Thursday 17 March 2016

OUGD502 - My Creative Report

Research studio based in Leeds -
Email -

This year my aim was to prove my self i have learnt, improved and shown a difference from level 4 to level 5.
I began to think about my future in the design industry, and i am unsure of what i want.
I could travel for a year, draw, experiment, learn new things, read new books, visit studios, try getting to know my favourite designer, travel and then come back for a masters.
I could design and open a business of my own.
I could work in collaboration with another designer in my course once we finish level 6 and open a business together. 
Buy a building and make it my working place, or work at home and begin a family plan.
I am unsure if i would like to continue living/working/studying in the uk or move back to Spain.
I followed my dream and im happy with what i have achieved, its been a difficult path but i hope to finish it and be someone someday. 

I messaged made by alphabets studio in Leeds, asked a set of 8 questions and hope to hear back from them, so i can plan a visit, ask for more advice, speak about my doubts and try seeing my future from another perspective. 

I divided my questions in 3 different sections, 
1st section - what its like to work there? What skills they need? (Personal, one to one conversation, to the point)

2nd section - other business, what my target should be, educational preparation ...

3rd and last section - achievable goals, would my background affect my future (as an international student) or even other careers 

I hope to get in contact with hey studios, based in Barcelona, plan a small visit, maybe ask for an internship and maybe keep in contact with them as a future reference or option.
I will also try getting in contact with Kate Moross, as she is an inspiration and goal example.
Maybe her and i could work together in the future.

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