Thursday 17 March 2016

OUGD502 - Evaluation

*As a graphic designer I believe to have improved from level 4-level 5.
*Branding is something that interests me and i hope to continue learning about.
* I hope to produce my final business cards by level 6, print, get in contact with studios and designers worldwide and travel and continue learning/exploring.
*My business cards in level 5 show an improvement in my work from level 4,  also with digital use and I have proven my understanding of the knowledge in the module.
*I gathered primary and secondary research and was capable of linking other modules this year with ppp (Cop essay on branding - What makes an effective international logo?) and (OUGD 504 - Logostarter)
 *This year not only i had to produce my personal branding but also work in a collaborative group to create/ produce the planning of an actual business.
*This new experience of working on the opening of a professional coffee studio was educational, made me think and look back at some school projects i did for maths lessons to work out the finances, fundings, hourly rates...
*I think my group and I enjoyed this brief because we had the choice of our own to select with who we wanted to work with, we made our group 'international' having a Spanish, German-Indian, and English students. Our work was surprisingly good for what we originally had in mind, we worked as a group, managed to combine all our styles, produce an effective logo, promotion studio design, products, social media pages, business cards, collateral...
*We arranged and planned our time in a positive convenient way for every member in the team , always came to crits with new exotic ideas, we showed love and passion in our work, we explored other creative fields such as video production and editing.
*I got in contact with a first year student studying broadcasting media and technology who helped me produce a small short but effective video of the 'Thermal mug'.
*We had the chance as a group to explore and get a bit better at studio photography, always awkward to pose for a picture on yourself but we made it fun by taking it in turns and also posing as a group.
*Vedika is a strong, independent person who always pushes me to work a bit harder, motivates me to produce and create the best, always helps me when in need of feedback and i like working with her, our work and styles combine well together.
Billy is always there when i need him, i can always ask him for help when using the adobe programs, he always seems to know what he is doing, and he is always very professional, i have improved as a graphic designer with his help, he gives me positive feedback and always tries to help me make my work more 'graphic design' rather than illustrative.
*My illustrations for the menu would be alongside with the 'thermal mug' my favourites outcomes/productions. With the help of Billy, we produced a successful menu, we struggled at first but we managed to present a professional and realistic business plan for our coffee space studio.

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