Friday 29 April 2016

answers to emails - OUGD 502


1. Could you describe one of your typical workdays?
2. What skills are required in your position on a day-to-day basis?
3. What parts of your job do you find most challenging?
4. What do you find most enjoyable?
5. Are there any negatives to your job?
6. How many hours do you work in a typical week?
7. Which seasons of the year are toughest in your job?

Design studio/Print - thearchipelago

1.On a typical day my duties are to watch over a team of 6 designing various graphics for many different brands. I watch over the team making sure they create quality designs, also I have to talk to the clients to understand what they need.

2.I have to be a good team leader with good communication skills with the customers. When working in this industry, you need to have a creative mindset and enjoy the work you do.

3.The hardest part of the job is trying to create new and different ideas for every different project, sometimes we all just run out of ideas. It always good to work and share ideas with others.

4.The most enjoyable part of the job is being able to work closely with other very talented people, and they all enjoy their work so it's a brilliant environment to work in.

5.Sometimes the hours I have to work can get a bit much, and it can be exhausting.

6.In a typical week I work 9 am-5 pm everyday then an extra 2-3 hours at home afterwards, it can be very hard work.

7. The start of the new financial year is a very profitable time for the business,because many new business open during this time. We design a lot for them.

Broadcasting media and technology - Mark Hollinshead
1. On a typical day I have to create new graphics for the television studio and camera man for an evening tv show.

2.I have to have a lot of patience when deigning my graphics, they can take a lot of hard work and precise changes.

3.The hardest part of my job is the hours I work, working in the media industry can be very demanding.

4.The most enjoyable part of the job for me is being on TV set and seeing different acts everyday.

5.The worst part of the job is the lack of social life outside of work, my work seems like it is my life sometimes.

6.Whilst creating the graphics I work on average 5 hours at the studio and then I work from 6 to 10 for our tv show.

7.The work doesn't really ever change as its tv, it always has a regular client base, and if there is a lot of people watching it doesn't change my work load.

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