Thursday 19 November 2015

OUGD 502 - Dream/Wish list

Do you think you have changed over the summer break?
-Yes, because....

Over the Summer, did you experience anything that you might say had an influence on how you plan to approach your second year as a designer?

 Travelled somewhere special?

Worked with someone special?
-Worked at a restaurant.

Experienced something really special?
-Jack came to Spain - Learnt Spanish

What 3 things do you want to progress with this year?
- Blogging
-Design Production - Book Binding/ Screen Printing/ Foiling/ Textiles ....
-Work and combine Briefs with other Studios at LCA - Textiles/Illustration/Animation ...

Did you get any work experience?
-No work experience.

If you DID have any experience, how did you feel you fitted in?
-No work experience.

Did you feel up to scratch?
-No work experience.

Did you find it a struggle?
-No work experience.

 Based on (if any experience) did this make you feel that you would like, or need to look closer at in your second year at College?
-No work experience.

Did you meet anyone you feel influenced you in any way?

 How do you record such meetings? Your blog Facebook Twitter Instagram Snapchat Linkedin?

Went to an event that meant something special?
-Visited the Animal rescue center - Castellar zoo

Now you are re-engaging with PPP, consider a list of approximately 5 DREAMS/WISHES for your future and list them. Remember, these should be ANYTHING and it will simply focus a ‘shopping list’ of what YOU would like in your life. THEN, we can look ahead and can see how we can consider making your list as a challenge?

Dreams/Wishes list

  • Start my own business - Be my own boss.

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