Wednesday 8 October 2014

Study task 1-- Why am I here and what do I want out of the course?

Identify and explain 5 reasons why you chose to study on this course

1. Study and find a future within arts and find a job that i will enjoy and not get bored of.

2.Prove my family it wasn't a waste of time or money learning a new language and gaining an education outside my home country.

3. Traveling and exploring different cultures, way of living, the different climate ...

4. Continue learning and improving my English as a second language away from home and learning new cultures and styles of living.

5. see snow

Identify and explain 5 things that you want to learn during your tim on the course

1. Express myself as an individual and experience

2.Share my vision and opinion with others (Strength/weaknesses/..)

3. Learn how to communicate and send a message

4. The use of different medias

5. Learn what graphic design is and find my style.

Identify and explain 5 things that you think are your strengths 

1. The use of color and experimentation

2. Creating patterns and planning

3. Giving work on time (dead-lines)

4. Learning from my work/ work of others

5. setting goals and improving

Identify and explain 5 things that inspire you

1. Personal or Global issues (depends on the mood or the situation)

2. Family and friends (work/life examples/ strength/ goals/...)

3.My idea of my future ME

4. The Environment or surroundings

5. Fight against societies view of things (Thinking outside the box)

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