Thursday 23 October 2014

reflective practice

Here are some of my past art pieces from my old school,
Sotogrande Internation School. 
I believe to be a very Graphical, colorful  person who can express herself throughout illustrations within arts.

I like being set a specific task to follow and develop my ideas. I also like to share/ send a message within my own work to others.

These 2 pieces reflect world issues such as Anorexia and Hallucination (Drug problems).

Since I can remember I have loved art and known that I would hope it would feature in my future life.
It interests me how the colors are able to blend and even how different textures, shadings and tones can be created. Since we began the IB Diploma, we were given the chance to experiment and learn different techniques; I was later able to show this work in my extended essay. 
A few techniques I have worked on have been sgraffito, pop art, photography, body proportions and optical illusions.
I have always known I want to follow through with art, I believe I am selecting the perfect course for myself as I love to show myself through art, combining words, images and symbols in a way that others can sense the messages and ideas my pieces represent.    

During my MYP course I based my Personal Project on photography, editing and creating a photo album with my personal ‘professional pictures’. In IB I then based my extended essay on optical illusion throughout history and how the technique of tricking the senses, especially vision, has changed within different art movements

+ I decided I would take this course because I believe I’m capable of it, meeting the deadlines, presenting quality on each and every one of my pieces. 
On the other hand, this course will offer me a close view of how the graphic design industry works and get a strong image of how my feature career will be based on.

I believe graphic deign will fulfill my thirst to learn new skills and become a professional and prepared individual, as I hope to continue with art throughout my life.