Friday 6 May 2016

OUGD 502 - Evaluation

As a designer I believe that I'm good at what i do but sometimes i need someone to push me or motivate me.
This year has been harder than level 4, we have had more briefs, done a lot more professional production, explored new techniques, worked in collaboration with others and had a few visits from studios and people who would inspire us and help us decide on a future job.
We have continued learning and developing things we learnt in level 4 such as
*Target audience
*Skills and services
*Costs, Charges, financial considerations
*Promotion, Branding
At the start of the year I did do my work but didn't feel it was good enough, didn't reach the professional level i was aiming for or discussed well enough my design process. Throughout the year i have noticed a change in attitude and production. with the help of my teachers and the facilities offered at LCA, i have been able to set myself targets and aims that were achievable and that i liked and felt satisfied with.
When working on the Creative report, this was challenging due to not always getting an answer back from studios (Probably because they get loads of emails a day and might have thought it was spam). I was capable of contacting a friends relative who graduated in the industry of broadcasting media and technology, who works for a television channel, travels around the world, participates in a lot of different productions and does a lot of graphic design aside of recording and editing videos.
I hope to keep in contact with him, maybe even meet him, and discuss in detail how much graphic design he actually does within his business.
I also messaged 'Thearchipelago' a studio in leeds. This studio caused an interest in me because of the products displayed on their website, the way their business is so open and explored different styles, production methods…
I would like to visit their studio, ask some more questions about the business and ask if they would be interested in working with me, teaching me and guiding me into a future business within areas I like.
Screen printing, book binding, folds, foiling are techniques i have continued exploring this year. I will now continue exploring new production methods such as textile printing or mono print, animation and video editing.
This year in ppp we also worked alongside other students in our course, we had 2 collaborative briefs in level 5. My ppp collaborative group was more successful than my 'Orchard P.I.G' group. why? because vedika was in my team for ppp, I feel I work well with her, we help each other, we give constructive feedback on a daily basis over social media or at university, her memory is better than mine and she always reminds me of things i have to do, or that i don't understand and her ambitious and positive personality makes me work hard.
Billy on the other side, has been my partner for both collaborative group work, I feel a bit unmotivated when we work together, everything is left for the last minute, if we are not on top of him asking for his work or for his assistance he won't remember, his self-confidence within the design topic brings others down because he wants to produce everything because he is 'better' and I have felt like i have allowed other people stand on me and on my work because 'theres is better' when I am also capable of producing good satisfactory work and i have came to uni to learn and progress.
You learn from errors and for next year I will stand out more for my designs, I will have the courage of messaging my teachers when not understanding something, asking for advice, assisting every session and aiming for higher grades.

OUGD 502 - Production

What fold to use? 
Hot dog fold - Refresh memory - Simple - Works Well - Cute - Direct

Typeface used: Lucky 7 - size - 12pt - Bold/ easy to read/ Italic
Image used on final production
and 2 from the official instagram page:

Thursday 5 May 2016